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 Past Performance
Following are summaries of Software/Database application projects which are representative of the range of systems we have designed, constructed, implemented, and support for Commercial and Government clients. While the nature of the client varies between government and commercial, you may actually find an application which is similar in nature to your needs from a different sector.

If you would rather simply discuss your needs with a project manager to determine whether there is a good fit, or to determine how best to proceed on your particular project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to discuss these needs in complete confidentiality and without obligation.

Government       GSA Schedule | COMMITS

MOLS ­ automated, self service for Brokers, Importers, Filers, and Processors to comply with Section 8e of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act.
MOAB Compliance Database and Application
­ automating joint authoring efforts for rules and regulations with input from all over the US.
­ Requisition, Order, Inventory Management System ­ real-time inventory control and analyses.
FV6 Automated Certificate
­ automated customer service via the web with automated back-end database population.
USDA Commodity Network
­ portal type services provided by web-enabled database with a pronounced ROI.
Training Material Tracking System
­ automated tracking of all training materials and the history of every user.
PSTS ­ a software program for the General Services Administration to manage its review process for individuals needing public trust and security clearances

Government Products


VIDEO RETAILERS ­  "VIDEMATION"  - a high performance database POS
­ Videmation/UNIX & COMF ­ 138 on-site databases replicating nightly, bi-directionally with central office database.
­ TICKET MANAGEMENT ­ high performance MS SQL Server based POS
­ robust DCOM based interface for POS to backoffice accounting
­ fast, safe, secure online credit card processing without paying an intermediate.
­ LAN-side shared VPN functionality over a single VPN!.
­ ticket sales on the web fully synchronized to individual office sales
Caterworks ­ automated large scale catering operations.
­ providing catering services via the web
AIMS ­ AIMS is a comprehensive software solution designed to meet the challenge of effective asset tracking and information management.

Commercial Products




Customer Profile

Past Performance

Agencies and Companies


Solutions Engineering Corporation
5149 Westbard Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20816
© 2005 Solutions Engineering Corporation
Voice (240) 432-3798
Fax (202) 330-5753