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 TM2000 ­ TICKET MANAGEMENT ­ high performance MS SQL Server based POS

Solutions Engineering was contracted to design a database application for the sales and distribution of tickets for theater, sports, and concert events throughout the U.S.  The client company was Top Centre Ticket Service of Washington, DC ­ the chairman and founding president of the National Ticket Brokers Association.  This system had to handle hundreds of thousands of tickets for hundreds of events at nation wide venues.  The requirements of the system were many and challenging.  One requirement  (for Release 2) was to support the automatic posting of ticket inventory on the web from up to 400 different databases and the sale of tickets on the web synchronized in real-time with the appropriate source database.  The system must be engineered in order to guarantee that each and every ticket could be sold only once ­ no two invoices (generated anywhere) could include the same ticket.  This would have to be supported over an extremely diverse set of WAN (telco/modem, ISDN, DSL, frame-relay, fractional T1, full T1) and LAN (Static IP, DHCP, Published IP, Unpublished IP, shared protocol, NAT, Proxy Server, Firewalls, …).  The system had to properly execute transactions in the event of a line or node failure as well.  The features and benefits of the POS system are :

Definable Options for Individual Companies

Definable Invoices/Purchase/Order/Return

Definable Shippers/Services/Costs/Fees

Definable Credit Card Services

Multiple Search & Ordering Criteria

Multiple Views

Fully Automated Ticket Purchase & Sales

Customer History viewable during Sales

Customer Performance viewable during Sales

Ticket Source Details Viewing

Venue Seating Chart viewable during Sales

Venue Seating Chart E-mail/Fax to Customer

Customer detail tracking

Customer Purchase Summary

Employee Activity Tracking

Full Event Package Promotions

Future Event Package Order Tracking

Package Order Customization

Multiple Customer Invoice/Ship/Bill

Multiple Credit Card Operations

Hold Tickets Until options

Consignment Ticket support

Future Inventory support

Event performance evaluations

Individual Ticket Tracking

Very User Friendly

High Utility Online Help with Graphics

User Definable Reports

User Definable Terms & Conditions

  (for Orders, Purchases, and Invoices)

Technical Features :

   Requires MS NT 4.0/MS SQL 7.0

   Fully ODBC only dependent

   Uses Tabbed Dialogs for Versatility

   Data flows are highly automated

   Client Workstation Win 95/98/NT/ME

   ODBC Driver/Web Browser/E-mail

   Supports unlimited users

   Allows remote workstation access

   All Output uses Seagate Crystal Report

   SCRW Runtime or Full License

   Integrates to Default Desktop E-mail/Fax

   Fully Print device independent

   Network Printing w/ Printer & Tray Select

   Supports wide range of WAN options


The system has been in use since Oct. 1999 with enhancements.  The system performs real-time synchronization between the web server database and the organization local databases ­ properly enforcing the requirement that no single seat ticket can be sold to more than one person.  TM2000 has a fully integrated venue seating chart display capability to allow users to pull up the visual map or seating chart for the venue of an event and automatically (one button action) e-mail the chart to the client currently being serviced.  The system is being integrated with Federal Express on-line services to perform fully integrated service request and shipping status tracking for every shipment.

The system is written entirely in Visual C++, relying entirely on ODBC for data exchange.  This permits remote support and upgrades, as well as enabling optional plug-ins to be provided without requiring any changes to the software or underlying architecture.


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Past Performance

Agencies and Companies


Solutions Engineering Corporation
5149 Westbard Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20816
© 2005 Solutions Engineering Corporation
Voice (240) 432-3798
Fax (202) 330-5753