Card transaction processing is required by virtually every POS
and e-commerce solution. Using off-the-shelf credit card processing
solutions is a considerable expense (as of 02/1999) for the
monthly fee, per transactions fee, and per dollar fees. SE, under client contracts, designed and
built an application module for accepting basic credit card
processing information from the Invoice environment and creating
a credit card processing request direct from one of the largest
credit card transaction processing companies in the U.S.
The module supports Card Validation, Fund Reserve Request,
Fund Transfer Request, Fund Reserve Reversal, Fund Transfer
Reversal, and Transaction Day Close.
The module supports full or partial cardholder validation.
CCVerify reports 48 different request reply conditions
immediately to the POS environment and logs every credit card
action in a separate system credit card activity log file. It is extremely fast and reliable.
Every component is written in C++ and can be called from
applications written in Visual Basic, JAVA, C, C++, and ASP.
and Companies