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Our People - the Team
Teamwork perfects Collaboration. Fundemental to our success is teamwork. Real systems require teams – no one person has all of the talents, skills, and experience to produce systems at the same quality, speed, and efficiency as a team. Systems which need to be custom built today are complex systems. Proficient programmers write code, business people talk to people who need to conduct business, testers test systems and clearly identify problems, and experienced engineers analyze complex situations and make the best design decisions. It takes a collection of expert talents, skills, and disciplines. It takes a Team.

Every system is defined by Application Specialists and Analysts to ensure the requirements are defined according to the actual and prioritized needs of the client. These people are entirely focused on understanding the business rules, workflow, constraints, and issues of the client organization. They identify opportunities for improved productivity, quality control, process enforcement, organizational risks, and returns on investment. They write and identify the Use Cases and scenarios which must be supported – they define requirements and initiate the design. They interface with the client personnel and speak their language to capture and communicate their requirements.

Systems Analysts, Design Engineers, Software Engineers, and Database Engineers provide the Development level design. They articulate and elaborate the Use Cases (into Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Statechart Diagrams, and Class Diagrams, Logical Data Models, and Packages). They provide the vocabulary for the system (the database dictionary), the foundation classes, system workflow particulars, and state changes in the database. They also identify which components will be constructed and which will be acquired off-the–shelf and integrated.

Programmers expand the foundation classes, encode the methods, state changes, user interfaces, and systems interfaces into their particular packages per the design. A fixed component of every design is the "System Engineering Guidelines" which provide development level guidance on how various components are to be encoded. This ensures conformity to the highest standards providing commercial grade software and databases in Build 1 of Release 1.0. It also reduces exceptions which were readily avoidable through "best practices" adherence, and provides uniformity in source code and implementation which greatly enhances modularity and programmer teaming.

Systems Engineers, Network Engineers, and Network Technicians in concert with the Application Specialists and Software Engineers define the target platform configurations to be supported, formalize the installation and support procedures, integrate the components into the overall system and verify system operations.

Quality Assurance Engineers translate the Use Cases and Scenarios into formal Test Scripts. The outcome evaluation is defined from the State Changes defined in the Design. Quality Assurance Technicians perform the installation and configuration on test platforms (document issues involved), execute the Test Scripts, and record the results. Exceptions and Enhancements are recorded in the Project Control Document which is provided to the Project Team. Target Release and Priorities are assigned by the Project Manager and lead Application Specialists. These may be modified after review by the lead Programmer.

Applications Specialists and Network Technicians install and configure the system components on the client platforms, verify correct operations, document configuration particulars, and transfer system knowledge to the client administration staff.

Applications Specialists provide the training and direct support for the systems. They train the trainers or directly train the users in the proper and efficient use of the system to maximize the benefit to the client organization.

Every step is monitored by the Project Manager to ensure time and human resources are according to plan. Every artifact of the project is held in a uniformly organized repository where every member of the team has access to the artifacts for which they are responsible and which they need in order to provide their piece of the puzzle. This provides very high transparency for each project to all members of the team. It promotes efficient collaboration and effective communication with minimal effort and time on the part of the team members. A weekly status is provided the client Project Leader in relation to the Project Plan. If there are issues outside of scope, risks which affect time or budget, these are discussed with the client Project Leader (or Primary Stakeholder). Appropriate measures are identified mutually between the Project Manager and Project Leader to ensure that the best interests of the client are supported throughout.

Capabilities Summary

Our Process - A Summary

Our People - the Team





Solutions Engineering Corporation
5149 Westbard Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20816
© 2005 Solutions Engineering Corporation
Voice (240) 432-3798
Fax (202) 330-5753